Husband: James Theodore Sloggy
died at age: 83
Born: 2 May 1850 in: Madison, WI
Died: 10 Jul 1933 in: Tacoma, WA
Ref: GWEstey papers Occupation: Electrician
Father: Jacob Sloggy
Mother: Mary Sager
Wife: 1) Lydia Rand Clough
died at age: 38
Married: 21 Feb 1872 in: Big Springs, WI her age: 19 his
age: 21
Ceremony: Y
Born: 1 Dec 1852 in: Portage, WI
Died: 21 Dec 1890 in: St. Paul, MN
Ref: GWEstey papers Occupation: Housewife
Father: David Clough
Mother: Hannah Davenport Clough
Note: Lydia died in childbirth of her daughter Olive on her 18th wedding anniversary. Ironically her grandmother,
Lydia, died in childbirth of her father.
F Child 1
Mae Lidia Sloggy
died at age: 57
Born: 15 Jun 1881 in: Big Springs, Wisconsin
Died: 26 Aug 1938 in: Los Angeles, California
M Child 2 David Sheriden Sloggy
Born: 27 Oct 1882
Died: ca 1935
Ref: GWEstey-Sloggy
M Child 3 John Behrens Sloggy died at age: 46
Born: 14 Oct 1886
Died: 1933
Ref: GWEstey-Sloggy
F Child 4 Olive Lorraine Sloggy died at age: 7 mo.
Born: 21 Dec 1890
Died: 5 Jul 1891
Ref: GWEstey-Sloggy
Wife: 2) Emma Virginia _______
James Theodore Sloggy - James & Emma Sloggy,
Marvin Estey & baby
An obituary for James T. Sloggy written some time shortly after his death.
"Funeral services for James Theodore Sloggy, 83, a former employee of the
city at the LaGrande power plant, who died early in the week, were held
Thursday at 1:30 p. m. at the Piper chapel, Rev. E. E. Tuck presiding;
burial was at Mountain View burial park. He was a member of Rev. Tuck's
Mr. Sloggy returned July 3 from a visit with a daughter, Mrs. George
Estes in Los Angeles, where he went in November, and his wife, Emma Virginia
Sloggy, came from Seattle the same day, where she had been visiting with a
daughter, Mr. Jeff H. McNichol, and they re-established their home at 5931
South I Street, where they had lived for 25 years. Then came the end of the
veteran resident after a week of illness.
Mr. and Mr. Sloggy were married in St. Paul years ago, and came to Tacoma
seven years later. Besides the daughters, a son, David, of Seattle
Note the spelling of the Estey name; a common error made by people and
one we Estey's, no-doubt, will continue to endure. (George W. Estey, June
17, 1998)
Yesterday (June 16, 1998) my son Gregg and I located "I" Street mentioned in
the obituary
and found 5931 South I Street; a small bungalow style house of the 1900 era
which has had some work done on the exterior to modernize it. It looks as if
the people who live there now take pride in the upkeep of the home. (June 17,
Wife Emma Virginia was James' second wife and they were married about 1901
using the data from the obituary (25 year resident of Tacoma and married 7
years before moving from the St. Paul area). This would be some 10 years
following the death of his first wife, Lydia. The daughter, Mrs. Jeff H.
McNichol, is the daughter of Emma and we do not have information as to who her
father was. It could have been James which would make her a half-sister to
Mae Lydia, David, and John. (GWE June 17, 1998)
The Sloggy House at 5931 South I Street as it looked in 1998
